Please ignore Japanese papers if you cannot read it.
- 学術論文等 Papers (updated
April 1, 2023)
- 田中博, 1982:
500mb高度における準停滞性超長波の季節変動の統計的解析. 地理学評論, 55, 281-291.
- 吉野正敏・田中博,
1982: 地形評価による風速、風向の分布推定. 災害の研究, 14, 81-87.
- 工藤泰子・田中博・鳥谷均・黄水鎮,
1982: 菅平における冷気湖の形成過程. 地理学評論, 55, 849-856.
- 田中博, 1983: 第2種地衡風運動の定常解に関する力学的研究. 天気, 30, 539-543.
- Kung, E.C. and H.L. Tanaka, 1983:
Energetics analysis of the global circulation during the special
observation period of FGGE. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 40,
- Kung, E.C. and H.L. Tanaka, 1984: Spectral
characteristics and meridional variations of energy transformations
during the first and second special observation periods of FGGE. Journal
of the Atmospheric Sciences, 41, 1836-1849.
- 田中博, 1984:
1979年1月の東西波数1の増幅および鉛直伝播について. グロースベッター, 22, 2, 17-25.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1985: Global energetics
analysis by expansion into three dimensional normal mode functions during
the FGGE winter. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 63,
- Kung, E.C. and H.L. Tanaka, 1985:
Long-range forcasting of temperature and precipitation with upper air
parameters and sea surface temperature in multiple regression approach.
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 63, 619-631.
- Tanaka, H.L., E.C. Kung, and W.E. Baker, 1985:
Energetics analysis of the observed and simulated general circulation
using three-dimensional normal mode expansion. Tellus, 38A, 412-428.
- Tanaka, H.L. and E.C. Kung, 1986: Global
energetics analysis using 3-D normal mode decomposition. Proceeding,
National Conference on Scientific Results of FGGE, 110-113.
- Tanaka, H.L. and E.C. Kung, 1988: Normal
mode energetics of the general circulation during the FGGE year. Journal
of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 3723-3736.
- Tanaka, H.L. and A. Kasahara, 1988:
Discretization of pragnostic variables in the vertical by the spectral
method. Proceeding, The 8th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction,
- Tanaka, H.L. and E.C. Kung, 1989: A study
of low-frequency unstable planetary waves in realistic zonal and zonally
varing basic states. Tellus, 41A, 179-199.
- Tanaka, H.L., E.C. Kung, and W.E. Baker, 1989:
Normal mode energetics and error analysis of GLA GCM Simulation with
different horizontal resolution during a winter month. Contributions to
Atmospheric Physics, 62, 99-111.
- 田中博, 1989a:
Climate System Modeling Initiative(CSMI)
第1回研究集会に出席して. 天気, 36, 275-277 .
- 田中博, 1989b:
1989年のアラスカの異常な冬について. グロースベッター, 28, 1, 33-34.
- Kasahara, A. and H.L. Tanaka, 1989:
Application of vertical normal mode expansion to problems of baroclinic
instability. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 46, 489-510.
- Kung, E.C., H.L. Tanaka, and W.E. Baker, 1989:
Energetics examination of winter blocking simulations in the Northern
Hemisphere. Monthly Weather Review, 117, 2019-2040.
- Tanaka, H.L. and S. Sun, 1990: A study of
baroclinic energy source for large-scale atmospheric normal modes.
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 47, 2674-2695.
- Tanaka, H.L. and M.F. Milkovich, 1990: A
heat budget analysis of the polar troposphere in and around Alaska during
the abnormal winter of 1988/89. Monthly Weather Review, 118, 1628-1639.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1991: Energy source for
inhomogeneous turbulence on a rotating sphere. Proc. The 8th Conference on
Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability, Denver, Colorado, 43-46.
- Tanaka, H. L., 1991: A numerical simulation
of amplification of low-frequency planetary waves and blocking formations
by the upscale energy cascade. Mon. Wea. Rev., 119, 2919-2935.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1991: Blocking formation by
the turbulent up-scale cascade. Proc. The 8th Conference on Atmospheric
and Oceanic Waves and Stability, Denver, Colorado, 192-195.
- Tanaka, H.L., A. Kasahara, 1991: On the
normal mode of Laplace's tidal equation for zonal wavenumber zero. Proc.
The 9th Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, 161-164.
- Tanaka, H.L, 1991: Unidata at Alaska.
Unidata News Letter, Summer 1991, 10-11.
- Tanaka, H.L, 1991: Unidata.
Tenki, 38,7, 40 1991.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1991: Weather data access
improved. Geophysical Institute Quarterly, University of Alaska
Fairbanks, Summer 1991, 1-3.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1991: Low-frequency
variability of polar atmosphere due to blocking formations. Proc.
International Conference on the Role of the Polar Regions in Global
Change, 1, 170-175.
- Kienle, J., A.W. Woods, S.A. Estes, K. Ahlnaes,
K.G. Dean, and H.L. Tanaka, 1991: Satellite and slow-scan television
observations of the rise and dispersion of ash-rich eruption clouds from
Redoubt Volcano, Alaska. Ibid., 2, 748-750.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Kasahara, A., 1992: On the
normal modes of Laplace's tidal equations for zonal wavenumber zero.
Tellus, 44A, 18-32.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Qiang, Ji., 1992:
Comparative energetics of FGGE reanalyses using the normal mode
expansion. Proc., 5th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology,
Tronto, Canada, 397-400.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1992: Development of a
prediction scheme for the volcanic ash fall from Redoubt Volcano. First
International Symposium on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety, Seattle,
Washington, July 8-12 1991, U.S. Geological Survey, Circular 1065, 44.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1992: Is it tropospheric
sudden warming? Papers Dedicated to Prof. Toshie Nishizawa on his
Retirement from the University of Tsukuba, 60-69.
- 田中博・北川源四郎
1992: 第5回統計気候学国際研究集会報告. 天気, 1992年12月号.
- 赤祖父俊一・田中博
1993: 火山灰追跡モデルの開発急げ. 科学朝日, 1993年5月号.
- 田中博, 1994: アメリカ気象学会による技能検定試験について、「天気」
、1994 No.5, 279-282.
- Dean, K.G., S.I. Akasofu, and H.L. Tanaka,
1993: Volcanic hazards and aviation safety: Developing techniques in
Alaska. FAA Aviation Safety Journal, Vol.3, No.1, 11-15.
- Tanaka, H.L., K.G. Dean, and S.I. Akasofu,
1993: Predicting the movement of volcanic ash clouds, EOS, Vol.74,
No.20, 231-231.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1993: Low-frequency unstable
planetary waves in realistic basic states. Science Report of the
Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section A, 14, 61-82.
- Tanaka, H.L. and K. Kimura, 1993: A
parameterization of baroclinic instability in a barotropic model. Proc.,
Nineth Conference on Atmospheric and Oceanic Waves and Stability, San
Antonio, Texas, 319-320.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1993: Blocking formation by
the upscale energy cascade. Research Activities in Atmospheric and
Oceanic Modelling. WMO Weather Prediction Research Programmes, No.18, 2.
- 田中博, 1993:
エネルギーの逆カスケードによるプラネタリー波の増幅と ブロッキング形成の数値実験. 天気, 40, 733-750.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1994: Normal mode energetics
of the general circulation during the FGGE winter. Science Report of the
Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba, Section A, 15, 1-19.
- Tanaka, H.L. and K. Kimura, 1994: Time
spectral analysis for the natural variability of the barotropic model
atmosphere. WMO Weather Prediction Research Programmes, No.19, 2.18-2.20.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1994: A life-cycle of
nonlinear baroclinic waves represented by 3-D spectral model.
International Symposium on the Life Cycle of Extratropical Cyclones.
Bergen, Norway Vol-2, 341-344.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1994: Development of a
prediction scheme for volcanic ash fall from Redoubt Volcano, Alaska.
Proc. First International Symposium on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety.
U.S. Geological Survey, Bulletin 2047, 283-291.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1995: A life-cycle of
nonlinear baroclinic waves represented by 3-D spectral model. Tellus,
47A, 697-704.
- Tanaka, H.L., K. Kimura, and T. Yasunari, 1995:
Time spectral analysis for the natural variability of the barotropic
model atmosphere with annual cycle forcing. WMO Weather Prediction
Research Programmes, No.20, 7.70-7.72.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Q. Ji, 1995: Comparative
energetics of FGGE re-analyses using the normal mode expansion. J.
Meteor. Soc. Japan, 73, 1-12.
- Tanaka, H.L., K. Kimura, and A. Hasegawa, 1995:
Comparative energetics of the old and recent ECMWF analysis using the
normal mode expansion. Proc. Second International Symposium on
Assimilation of Observations in Meteorology and Oceanography. WMO/TD No.
651, Tokyo, Japan, 697-702.
- 田中博、1995:
暑い夏ほど氷が成長する韓国の不思議なIce Valley. 天気、42,33-35.
- 田中博、1995:
教育セミナーNHK高校講座、地学、1995: 日本放送協会
- Tanaka, H.L., 1995: Energetics, Subproject
No.22, AMIP News Letter, No.6, February 1995, 21.
- Tanaka, H.L., A. Hasegawa, N. Ogasawara, A.
Kitoh, and T. Iwasaki, 1995: Comparative energetics analysis of
climate models in the wavenumber spectral domain. Proc. First
International AMIP Scientific Conference, Monterey California.
- Tanaka, H.L., A. Hasegawa, S. Taguchi, and H.
Hirakuchi, 1995: Comparative energetics analysis of climate models
with high and low resolutions. Proc. First International AMIP Scientific
Conference, Monterey California.
- Tanaka, H.L., R. Kanohgi, and T. Yasunari,
1995: Recent abnormal weather in the Arctic. Proc. Wadati Conference
on Global Change and the Polar Climate, Tsukuba, Japan, 13-16.
- Hayasaki, M. and H.L. Tanaka, 1995: A
diagnostic study of the tropospheric sudden warming over Alaska during
winter seasons. Proc. Wadati Conference on Global Change and the Polar
Climate, Tsukuba, Japan.
- 田中博・木村賢一
1996: 1993・94年夏のハドレー循環・モンスーン循環・ウォーカー循環 の強度について,グロースベッター, 35, 25--46.
- Walsh, J.E., H.L. Tanaka, and G. Weller, 1996:
Wadati Conferene on global change and the polar climate. 7-10 November
1995, Tsukuba, Japan.
- Tanaka, H.L. and K. Kimura, 1996: Normal
model energetics analysis and the intercomparison for the recent ECMWF,
NMC, and JMA global analyses. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74, 525-538.
- Tanaka, H.L., K. Kimura, and T. Yasunari, 1996:
Time spectral analysis for the natural variability of the barotropic
model atmosphere with annual cycle forcing. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74,
909 -- 921.
- Tanaka, H.L., R. Kanohgi and T. Yasunari, 1996:
Recent abrupt intensification of the northern polar vortex since 1988. J.
Meteor. Soc. Japan, 74,947--954 .
- 田中博 1996:
無秩序から秩序が生まれるプロセス. 気象学のみかた、AERA Mook, 2, 20-21.
- 田中博 1997:
韓国密陽郡の ICE VALLEY における夏季氷結現象の数値実験. 地理学評論、70A-1, 1-14.
- Hasegawa, A., H. L. Tanaka, H. Hirakuchi, and
S. Taguchi, 1997: Comparative energetics analysis of CCM2 with
differenct horizontal resolutions. Climate Dynamics, 13, 521--532.
- 田中博 1997:
第5章: カオスの壁を越える天気予報の夢. 電気学会、寄稿 , 117, 604-607.
- Tanaka, H.L. and D. Nohara, 1997: A new
method of extending predictability of the medium-range weather prediction
beyond the two-week barrier of chaos. Proc. 11th Conf. Atmos. Ocean Fluid
Dynamics, 174-178.
- Tanaka, H.L. and A. Hasegawa, 1997:(著書) Comparative energetics
analysis of climate models with high and low reoslutions. ACCESSING
ASSESSMENT. Chap. 4, 63-90. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. 418pp.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1997: Evaluation of the
global heating field in the atmosphere using the NCEP reanalysis. Proc.
of the Intl. Workshop on Global Change and Terrestrial Environment in
Monsoon Asia. Special Research Project on Global Environmental Change of
the University of Tsukuba, 172-175.
- Tanaka, H.L. and D. Nohara, 1997: Medium-range
numerical weather prediction by a simple barotropic model with
parameterized baroclinic instability. WMO Weather Prediction Research
Programmes, No.25, 6.31--6.32.
- 田中博、早崎将光、安成哲三,
1997: 1993/94年夏の日本付近における異常気象の熱収支解析 気象研究ノート、189号、97 -- 125.(共著 分担)
- 高橋勅・他13名, 1998: IAMAP/IAPSO'97合同国際会議の報告. 天気, 45, 35--42.
- 大野木和敏・他7名, 1998: 再解析に関するWCRP第一回国際会議の報告. 天気, 45, 475--482.
- 田中博, 1998:
スカイウォッチャー 1998 3月号 16 --
17. 火星の気象変化
- 田中博, 1998:
スカイウォッチャー 1998 3月号 66 --
74. スペースシャトル打ち上げ報告記 -- 遠くで見たスペースシャトルへの夢
- Tanaka, H.L., 1998: Numerical simulation of
atmospheric blocking and the analysis of potential vortisity using a
simple barotropic model. Proc. The Rossby-100 Symposium, 8-12 June, 1998
Stockholm, Sweden.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1998: Comparative study of
vertical motions in the atmosphere evaluated by various schemes. Proc. in
WCRP First International Conference on Reanalyses. 27-31 October, 1997,
- Tanaka, H.L. and D. Nohara, 1998: Numerical
Simulation of Realistic Blocking and Local Lyapunov Stability Analysis of
the Barotropic Prediction Model. WMO Weather Prediction Research
Programmes, No.26, 6.23--6.24.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Kazuo Kimura, 1998: Time
series analysis of natural variability in barotropic energy of the
atmosphere with ECMWF global analysis. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 76,
- 田中博, S.E.
Moon, S.J. Hwang, 1998: 暑い夏ほど氷が成長する韓国の不思議なICE VALLEY. 天気、45,11, カラーページ.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1998: Numerical simulation of
a life-cycle of atmospheric blocking and the analysis of potential
vortisity using a simple barotropic model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 76
- Tanaka, H.L., S.-E. Moon, and S.-J. Hwang,
1999: An observational study of summertime ice formation at the Ice
Valley in Milyang, Korea. Science Report, Inst. Geosci., Univ. of
Tsukuba, 20A, 35--51.
- 早崎将光、田中博、1999:
対流圏における急激な温度上昇に関する研究: 1989年冬季アラスカの事例解析 天気、46, 123 -- 135.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Mayumi Arai, 1999: Linear
baroclinic instability in the Martian atmosphere: Primitive equation
calculations. Earth, Planet and Space, 51, 225--232.
- Tanaka, H.L. and D. Nohara, 1999: A Study
of Deterministic Predictability for the Barotropic Component of the
Atmosphere. Proc. 12th Conf. Atmos. Ocean Fluid Dynamics, 210--214.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Y. Watarai, 1999: A numerical
experiment of breaking Rossby waves in the barotropic atmosphere with
parameterized baroclinic instability. Tellus, 51A, 552--573.
- 田中博, 1999:
大気科学雑誌の近年の傾向について: -- Bart Geerts--を読んで 天気, 46, 705--708.
- Tanaka, H.L., 1999: Positive Feedback
between Arctic Oscillation (AO) and Baroclinic Instability in Planetary
Waves. Eos, Transaction, AGU 1999 Fall Meeting, 80, A51E-12.
- Tanaka, H.L. and D. Nohara, 1999: A Study
of Predictability for the Barotropic Component of the Atmosphere. WMO
Weather Prediction Research Programmes, No.27.
- Sasano, Y., Y. Terao, H.L. Tanaka, T. Yasunari,
H. Kanzawa, H. Nakajima, T. Yokota, H. Nakane, S. Hayashida, and N.
Saitoh, 2000: ILAS observations of chemical ozone loss in the Arctic
stratospheric vortex during early spring 1997. GRL, 27, 213--216.
- Tanaka, H.L., M. Yokoi, and D. Nohara, 2000:
Observational study of summertime ice at the Nakayama Wind-Hole in
Shimogo, Fukushima. Science Report, Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 21A,
- Tanaka , H.L. and Akiyo Yatagai, 2000:
Comparative study of vertical motions in the global atmosphere eveluated
by various kinematical schemes. JMSJ, 78, 289--298.
- 寺尾有希夫・田中博・安成哲三・笹野泰弘・中島英彰・林田佐智子・斎藤尚子、
2000: ILASデータによる1997年冬ー春期北極域の成層圏オゾン減少の評価
- Terao, Y., H.L. Tanaka, T. Yasunari and Y.
Sasano, 2000: ILAS observations of chemical ozone loss and changes in
nitric acid and nitric oxide concentrations in the arctic vortex during
early spring 1997. Proc. International Ozone Symposium, Sapporo, Japan.
- 田中博, 2000:
書評 本だな「風と人びと」吉野正敏著: 天気, 47 157--158.
- Tanaka, H.L., D. Nohara, and M. Yokoi, 2000:
Numerical simulation of wind hole circulation and summertime ice
formation at Ice Valley in Korea and Nakayama in Fukushima, Japan. JMSJ,
78, 611-630.
- 横井みずほ・田中博,
2000: 中山風穴における風穴現象について 気象利用研究,
13, 57--60.
- 吉野純・田中博,
2000: 順圧大気モデルを用いた波長別エネルギースペクトルのピーク形成 過程に関する研究 天気 47, 619--633.
- 朴恵淑・長屋祐一・目崎茂和・田中博,
2000: 伊勢湾地域における二酸化窒素濃度の冬と夏の特性. 日本生気象学会誌, 37, 105-116.
- H.L. Tanaka, 2001: JMSJ 2001, Vol. 79,
No.1. Editorial. JMSJ, 79, i.
- Nohara, D. and H.L. Tanaka, 2001:
Logarithmic relation between the initial error and predictability for the
barotropic component of the atmosphere. JMSJ 79, 161-171.
- Tanaka, H.L. and H. Tokinaga, 2001: A study
of Arctic Oscillation induced by a positive feedback between the polar
vortex and baroclinic instability. 12th Symposium on global change and
climate variations, 14-19 January 2001, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
- 田中博、2001:
大学教育再生をめざす。-- FD 実践事例に学ぶ
-- 清水一彦 編著、紫峯図書 (共著) P181-189.
- 田中博, 2001:
書評 本だな「気象と地球の環境科学」二宮浩三著: 天気, 48, 47-48.
- Tanaka, H.L. and H. Tokinaga, 2001: A
study of Arctic Oscillation induced by a positive feedback between the
polar vortex and baroclinic instability in high latitudes. Proc. 2nd
Wadati Conf. on Global Change and the Polar Climate. 95--98.
- Tanaka, H.L. and H. Tokinaga, 2001: A
study of Arctic Oscillation induced by a positive feedback between the
polar vortex and baroclinic instability. Tohoku Geophys. Journal, 36, 2,
- Tanaka, H.L. and D. Nohara, 2001: A study
of deterministic predictability for the barotropic component of the
atmosphere. Science Report, Inst. Geosci., Univ. of Tsukuba, 22A, 1--21.
- Tanaka, H.L., 2001: Numerical simulation
of Rossby wave breaking and blocking formation using a simple barotropic
model. Proc. 13th Conf. Atmos. Ocean Fluid Dynamics, 163--167.
- Tanaka, H.L., 2001: Numerical Simulations
of the Arctic Oscillation using a Simple Barotropic Model with a Parameterized
Baroclinic Forcing. IAMAS 2001, Innsburck, Austria.
- Proshutinsky, A., J. Walsh, G. Weller, and
H.L. Tanaka, 2001: The second Wadati conference on global change and
the polar climate. AMS News letter, (in press).
- 和達国際会議実行委員会,
2001: 極域気候変動に関する第2回和達国際会議の報告. 天気, 48, 831-837.
- 田中博, 2001:
しし座流星群 (Leonids Meteor Shower) 流星雨となる Science Communication, 一筆啓上、549.
- H.L. Tanaka, 2002: JMSJ 2002, Vol. 80,
No.1. Editorial. JMSJ, 80, i.
- 田中博, 2002:
一家に一台の天気予報モデル: 気象庁GPVデータを用いた順圧大気
大循環モデルによる週間予報, 2002: つくばテクノロジーショーケース. Science Academy of Tsukuba, 30.
- Tanaka, H.L. and H. Tokinaga, 2002:
Baroclinic instability in high latitudes induced by polarvortex: A
connection to the Arctic oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 59, 69--82.
- Watarai, Y. and H.L. Tanaka, 2002:
Characteristics of barotropic-baroclinic interactions during a formation
of atmospheric blocking. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 80, 387-402.
- 田中博 2002:
順圧大気大循環モデルによる北極振動の数値実験 およびその力学的固有解の解析. グロースベッター、気象庁, 40, 1--18.
- Terao, Y., Y. Sasano, H. Nakajima, H.L.
Tanaka, T. Yasunari, 2002: Stratospheric ozone loss in the 1996/1997
Arctic winter: Evaluation based on multiple trajectory analysis for
double-sounded air parcels by ILAS. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D24), 8210,
- Hasegawa, A. and H.L. Tanaka, 2002: A case
study of local spectral energetics analysis for a Pacific blocking in
1989 northern winter. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 80, 654--667.
- Tanaka, H.L., and K. Yamamoto, 2002:
Numerical Simulations of volcanic plume dispersal from Usu volcano in
Japan on 31 March 2000. Earth, Planets and Space, 54, 743--752.
- 田中博 2002:
リアルタイムで天気予報! Innovation News, No.2. TARA, Univ.
of Tsukuba
- 田中博 2002:
日本気象学会誌「気象集誌」のJ-STAGE加入について. 「天気」, 49, 192--193.
- 野原大輔・村規子・田中博,
2002: 福島県中山風穴の冬季に見られる地温高温域 天気,
49, カラーページ, 745--746.
- 田中博, 2002:
「最新地理学用語辞典」大明堂 浮田典良編(共著 分担).
- 田中博, 2002:
エネルギー循環. 「キーワード気象の事典」朝倉書店 (共著 分担).
- H.L. Tanaka, 2003: JMSJ 2003, Vol. 81,
No.1. Editorial. JMSJ, 81, i.
- Tanaka, H.L., 2003: Analysis and modeling
the Arctic Oscillation using a simple barotropic model with baroclinic
eddy forcing. J. Atmos. Sci., 60, 1359-1379.
- Nohara, D. and H.L. Tanaka, 2003:
Development of deterministic predictability using ensemble forecast
assimilated in nonlinear dynamical system. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82,
- Tanaka, H.L., 2003: Numerical simulation
of the Arctic oscillation using a barotropic general circulation model.
Tohoku Geophys. Journal, 36, 382--396.
- 田中博 2003:
力学的長期予報の展望: 長周期変動の力学と予測可能性の探求. グロースベッター、気象庁, 41, 51-88.
- 田中博 2003:
リアルタイム火山灰追跡モデル(PUFF)を用いた予報実験. 「環境リスクの評価と管理報告」、 筑波大学環境科学研究科.
- 田中博 2003:
順圧大気大循環モデルを用いた対流圏長周期変動の力学的考察. 「対流圏長周期変動と異常気象」京都大学、研究集会要旨集.
- H.L. Tanaka, 2004: JMSJ 2004, Vol. 82,
No.1. Editorial. JMSJ, 82, i.
- 田中博・村規子・野原大輔,
2004: 福島県下郷町中山風穴における風穴循環の成因. 地理学評論,1, 1-18.
- 田中博, 2004:
「スペクトル解析ハンドブック」 地球大気の3次元スペクトル 朝倉書店 (共著 分担).
- 田中博, 2004:
プロフェッショナル英和辞典 SPED EOS「生命科学編」小学館 (共著 分担).
- Tanaka, H. L., N. Ishizaki and A. Kitoh, 2004:
Trend and interannual variations of Walker, monsoon, and Hadley
circulations defined by velocity potential in the upper troposphere.
Tallus, 56A, 250-269.
- 田中博, 2004:
順圧大気大循環モデルによる北極振動の数値実験およびその力学的考察. 気象研究ノート,(共著 分担), 51pp.
- 早崎将光・田中博
2004: 高緯度で発現する気温の急変現象の解析. 地理評、77(8)、609-627.
- 田中博, 2004:
北極振動をもたらす大気の順圧成分における エネルギー逆カスケード現象. 波動の非線形現象とその応用、研究集会報告、
京都大学数理解析研究所, 1--8.
- Tanaka, H.L. and M. Matsueda 2004:
Analysis of Recent Extreme Events Measured by the Barotropic Component of
the Atmosphere. Proc. GCCA-4, Toyokawa, Japan, 86--93.
- Tanaka, H.L. and M. Matsueda, 2004:
Analysis of recent extreme events measured by the barotropic component of
the atmosphere. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82, 1281-1299.
- Watarai, Y. and H.L. Tanaka, 2004: Local
energetics analysis of blocking formation in the northern Pacific
decomposed in vertical mean and sheared flows. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 82,
- Tanaka, H.L., Y. Watarai, and T. Kanda, 2004:
Energy spectrum proportional to the squared phase speed of Rossby modes
in the general circulation of the atmosphre. Geophys. Res. Letters.
31(13), 13109, doi: 10.1029/2004GL019826.
- 田中博, 2004:
大気大循環に観るE=mc^2の法則. 地球流体力学研究集会、地球流体における波動と対流現象の力学
九州大学応用力学研究所講究録、15ME-S4, 66-17.
- Tanaka, H.L., S. Onodera, and D. Nohara, 2004:
Operational volcanic ash plume prediction model PUFF at the Japan
airlines. Proc. 2nd Intlernational Conference on Volcanic Ash and
Aviation Safety. June 21-24 2004, Alexandria, Virginia USA, 111-114.
- Byun, H.-R., K.-s. Choi, K.-H. Kim, and H.L.
Tanaka, 2004: The characteristics and thermal mechanism of the warm
wind hole found at the Ice Valley in Mt. Jaeyak. J. Korean Meteor. Soc.,
40, 453--465.
- Tanaka, H. L. and Koji Terasaki, 2004:
Blocking Formation by the Accumulation of Barotropic Energy at the
Spherical Rhines Speed. Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Global Change:
Connection to the Arctic. 15-16 November 2004, Tsukuba Japan, 115-118.
- Tanaka, H. L. and Koji Terasaki, 2004:
Energy Spectrum and Energy Flow for the Arctic Oscillation in the Phase
Speed Domain. Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Global Change: Connection to
the Arctic. 15-16 November 2004, Tsukuba Japan, 18-21.
- Tanaka, H. L. and Misaki Kanetaka, 2004:
Realtime Prediction System of Forest-Fire Smoke using Satellite Data and
the PUFF Model. Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Global Change: Connection to
the Arctic. 15-16 November 2004, Tsukuba Japan, 103-106.
- Tanaka, H. L. and Naomi Yokoyama, 2004:
Numerical Simulation and EOF Analysis of the Arctic Oscillation in the
Boreal Summer using the Barotropic S-Model. Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on
Global Change: Connection to the Arctic. 15-16 November 2004, Tsukuba
Japan, 119-122.
- Watarai, Y. and Tanaka, H. L., 2004: Local
Energetics Analysis of Blocking Formation in the North Pacific Decomposed
in Vertical Mean and Sheared Flows. Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Global
Change: Connection to the Arctic. 15-16 November 2004, Tsukuba Japan,
- Matsueda, M. and Tanaka, H. L., 2004: EOF
and SVD Analyses of the Low-frequency Variability of the Barotropic
Component of the Atmosphere Proc. 5th Intl. Workshop on Global Change:
Connection to the Arctic. 15-16 November 2004, Tsukuba Japan, 99-102.
- Hayasaki, M., Sugata, S. and Tanaka, H. L.,
2004: Variations of Cold surge Activity over East Asia. Proc. 5th
Intl. Workshop on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic. 15-16 November
2004, Tsukuba Japan, 123-126.
- 田中博 2005: 英文レター誌「SOLA」創刊のお知らせ. 「天気」, 52, 40.
- 田中博, 2005:
(監修) 週刊「かがくる」、 なんでもわかるビックリ科学誌、 朝日新聞社、 小柴昌俊 総監修.
- 田中博,
2005: (編集) 「科学大辞典 第2版」, 国際科学振興財団編,
丸善, 1831pp.
- Tanaka,
H. L. and Misaki Kanetaka, 2005: Realtime Prediction System of
Forest-Fire Smoke using Satellite Data and the PUFF Model: A Case Study
for May 2003. SOLA, 1, 9-12, doi:10.2151/sola.2005-003.
- Matsueda,
M. and H.L. Tanaka, 2005: EOF and SVD analyses of the low-frequency
variability of the barotropic component of the atmosphere. J. Meteor.
Soc. Japan, 83, 517--529.
- Tanaka,
H. L. and M. Matsueda, 2005: Arctic Oscillation analyzed as a
singular eigenmode of the global atmosphere. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 83,
- Yamashita,
Y., H. L. Tanaka, and M. Takahashi, 2005: Observational analysis of
the local structure of the wave activity flux associated with maintenance
of the Arctic Oscillation Index. SOLA, 1, 53--56.
- Tanaka,
H. L. and Koji Terasaki, 2005: Energy Spectrum and Energy Flow of the
Arctic Oscillation in the Phase Speed Domain. SOLA, 1, 65--68.
- Tanaka,
H.L., N. Ishizaki, and D. Nohara, 2005: Intercomparison of the
intensities and trends of Hadley, Walker, and monsoon circulations in the
global warming predictions. SOLA, 1, 77-80.
- 田中博, 2005: 「SOLA」編集委員会からのお知らせ
「天気」, 52, 658.
- 田中博 2005:
地球大気の特異固有解として得られる北極振動. 京都大学防災研究所 平成17年度異常気象と長周期変動、 研究集会報告、44-48.
- Watarai, Y. and Tanaka, H. L. 2005:
Spectral energetics in polar regions using JRA-25 dataset. Proc. GCCA-6,
12-13 December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Matsueda, M., Kyouda, M., and Tanaka, H.
L.2005: JMA/NCEP/CMC multi-center ensemble forecast. Proc. GCCA-6,
12-13 December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Kanetaka, M. and Tanaka, H. L.2005:
Contribution of the boreal forest fire to changes in the carbon dioxide
levels in the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere. Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13
December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Hiroshi L. Tanaka 2005: Research on the
Arctic Oscillation: Past, present, and future. Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13
December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Tanaka, H.L. and Matsueda, M.2005:
Dynamical understanding of the Arctic Oscillation as a singular eigenmode
of the global atmosphere. Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13 December 2005, Tokyo
Miraikan, Japan.
- Terasaki, K. and Tanaka, H. L.2005: Global
spectral energetics analysis expanded in analytical vertical structure
functions: Comparison of polar region with mid-latitudes and tropics.
Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13 December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Yokoyama, N. and Tanaka, H. L. 2005:
Analysis of the structure and wave activity flux of the Arctic
Oscillation in summer. Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13 December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan,
- Io, N. and Tanaka, H.L. 2005: Numerical
Experiments of Blocking Formation by an Excessive Accumulation of
Barotropic Energy at the Spherical Rhines Scale. Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13
December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Hayasaki, M., Sugata, S., and Tanaka, H. L.
2005: Interannual variations of cold front activity in springtime
Mongolia. Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13 December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Yamashita, Y., Tanaka, H.L., and Takahashi, M.
2005: Observational analysis of the local structure of the wave
activity flux associated with maintenance of the Arctic Oscillation.
Proc. GCCA-6, 12-13 December 2005, Tokyo Miraikan, Japan.
- Tanaka,
H. L. and Koji Terasaki, 2006: Blocking Formation by an Accumulation
of Barotropic Energy Exceeding the Rossby Wave Saturation Level at the
Spherical Rhines Scale. J. Meteor.Soc. Japan, 83, 319-332.
- 田中博 2006:
大気大循環に観られるE=mc^2の法則. 数理解析研究所講究録1483. 非線形波動の数理と応用、 京都大学数理解析研究所、84-89.
- 田中博 2006:
異常気象をもたらす北極振動の解明とその予測(第1報). アサヒビール学術振興財団、2005年度研究紀要、地球環境科学、113--119.
- 田中博 2006:
気象予測とカオス、 日本信頼性学会誌、28, 481-488.
- Hayasaki,
M., S. Sugata, and H.L. Tanaka 2006: Interannual variations of cold
front activity in spring in Mongolia. J. Metor. Soc. Japan, 83, 463-475.
- Matsueda,
M., M. Kyoda, and H.L. Tanaka, and T. Tsuyuki 2006: Multi-center
grand ensemble using three operational ensemble forecases. SOLA, 2,
- Tanaka,
H.L., D. Nohara, and H.-R. Byun 2006: Numerical simulation of wind
hole circulation at Ice Valey in Korea using a simple 2D model. J. Meteor
Soc. Japan, 84, 1073-1084.
- Byun,
H.R., H. L. Tanaka, and D. Azzaya 2006: On the mysteries of summer icing
and winter warming in the Ice Valley at Miryang, Korea. Proc. 2nd
International Workshop on Ice Caves. Demanovskadolina Slovak Republic,
May 8-12, 2006
- Kusaka, H., S. Kataniwa, and H. L. Tanaka, F.
Kimura 2006: Numerical simulation of polar low development over the
Japan sea. Proceedings of 2006, Joint WRF Users
Workshop, in CD-ROM.
- 田中博 2007:
極域循環と日本の気候、 「地球温暖化」(共同執筆)、 月刊海洋特集号, 46, 72-82.
- 松枝・経田・田中・露木
2007: マルチセンターグランドアンサンブルでみた2005年12月15日のブロッキング.
March 2007, 225-231.
- 田中博 2007:
地球学シリーズ、「地球環境学」(共同執筆)、 (古今書院).
- 田中博 2007:
気象ブックス016 「偏西風の気象学」、 成山堂,
- 田中博 2006:
異常気象をもたらす北極振動の解明とその予測(第2報). アサヒビール学術振興財団研究紀要、地球環境科学、221-230.
- 松枝未遠・郷田正幸・田中博・露木義
2007: マルチセンターグランドアンサンブルでみる2005/2006年の冬. グロースベッター、45, 44-59.
- Watarai,
Y. and H.L. Tanaka 2007: Comparison among JRA-25, ERA-40 and
NCEP/NCAR reanalysis datasets from the viewpoint of global energetics.
SOLA, 3, 9-12.
- Terasaki,
K. and H.L. Tanaka 2007: Barotropic energy spectrum by the Rossby
wavesaturation in the zonal wavenumber domain. SOLA, 3, 25-28.
- Matsueda,
M., M. Kyoda, H.L. Tanaka, and T. Tsuyuki 2007: Daily forecast skill
of multi-center grand ensemble. SOLA, 3, 29-32.
- Tanaka, H. L. 2007: Seventh International
Conference on Global Change: Connection to the Arctic (GCCA-7) Proc.
GCCA-7, 19-20 February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA. Preface.
- Tanaka, H. L., S. Kato, I. Suzuki 2007: A
trial of predicting the Arctic Oscillation index using the barotropic
S-model. Proc. GCCA-7, 19-20 February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA, 23-26.
- Matsueda, M., M. Kyoda, H.L. Tanaka, and T.
Tsuyuki 2007: Daily forecast skill of multi-center grand ensemble.
Proc. GCCA-7, 19-20 February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA, 42-45.
- Yokoyama, N. and H.L. Tanaka 2007:
Seasonal variation of the Arctic Oscillation. Proc. GCCA-7, 19-20
February 2007, Fairbanks Alaska USA, 55-58.
- Terasaki,
K. and H.L. Tanaka 2007: An analysis of the 3D atmospheric energy
spectra and interactions using analytical vertical structure functions
and two reanalyses. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 85, 785-796.
- Takemoto,
M. and H.L. Tanaka 2007: Intensities of Hadley, Walker, and Monsoon
Circulations Compared in the Upper and Lower Troposphere. J. Korean
Meteor. Soc., 43, 239-251.
- 加藤真悟・田中博 2007: 順圧大気大循環モデルによる北極振動指数の予測. 気象研究ノート、216、「2005/06年 日本の寒冬」241−252.
- Hori,
M., D. Nohara, and H.L. Tanaka 2007: Influence of Arctic Oscillation
toward the Northern Hemisphere surface temperature variability under the
global warming scenario. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 85, 847-859.
- Yokoyama,
K. and H. L. Tanaka 2007: Seasonal variation of the dominant
low-frequency variability observed in the barotropic component of the
atmosphere: A connection to the Arctic Oscillation. J. Meteor. Soc.
Japan, 85, 871-879.
- Suzuki,
I. and H. L. Tanaka 2007: Teleconnections and the Arctic Oscillation
analyzed in the barotropic component of the model and observed
atmosphere. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 85, 933-941.
- Fujita,
R. and H. L. Tanaka 2007: Statistical analysis on the relationship
between solar and geomagnetic activities and the Arctic Oscillation. J.
Meteor. Soc. Japan, 85, 909-918.
- Tsutsui, J. and H.L. Tanaka 2007: Trends
in large-scale circulation and thermodynamic structures in the tropics
derived from atmospheric reanalyses and climate change experiments. Proc.
27th Conf. on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. 4C.4, 1-5.
- Watarai, Y. and H.L. Tanaka 2008:
Characteristics of the JRA-25 dataset from the viewpoint of global
energetics. International Conf. on Reanalysis. February 2008, Tokyo
- 田中博 2008:
異常気象をもたらす北極振動の解明とその予測(第3報). アサヒビール学術振興財団研究紀要、地球環境科学.
- 田中博 2008:
地球温暖化予測のための気象シミュレーション: 気象モデルへの逆問題の応用. 統計数理研究所、 21世紀の診断工学とその周辺(6), 99-112.
- Byun, H.R.,
H. L. Tanaka, H. Michalopoulou, R.P. Pandey and D. Azzaya 2008: A
study on ice control for the production of 5th-generation water resources
and the arrest of global warming. Asia-Pacific J. Atmos. Sci., 44,
- 田中博 2001: カオスの壁を越える天気予報への挑戦. 数理解析研究講究録 1209, 10-17.
- Matsueda,
M. and H. L. Tanaka, 2008: Can MCGE Outperform the ECMWF Ensemble?
SOLA, 4, 77-80.
- 田中博 2008:
ロスビー波の砕波と飽和理論によるブロッキングと北極振動の励起メカニズム. 日本流体力学会年会2008 .
- Tanaka, H.L., 2008: The First
International Symposium on the Arctic Research: Drastic Change under the
Global Warming, Preface. Proc. First International Symposium on the
Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 1-2.
- Tanaka, H.L., and M. Ohhashi, 2008: Mechanism
of the Decadal-Scale Variation of the Arctic Oscillation Index. Proc.
First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008,
Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 20-23.
- Ohhashi, M. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Analysis
of Arctic Oscillation Simulated by Global Warming Prediction Models. Proc.
First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008,
Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 222-225.
- Terasaki, K. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Spectral
energetics analysis of the general circulation of the atmosphere in the
vertical wavenumber domain. Proc. First International Symposium on the
Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 230-233.
- Seta, M. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Research
of forcing sources causing the blocking high related to the Okhotsk high.
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6,
2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 249-252.
- Kondo, K. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Influence
of local ensemble transform Kalman filter with the NICAM on high
latitudes. Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research,
Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 226-229.
- Kato, S. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Prediction
experiments of the Arctic Oscillation index using a barotropic general
circulation model. Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic
Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 241-244.
- Ikeda, M. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Positive
feedback between polar jet and polar mode of baroclinic instability.
Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6,
2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 210-213.
- Fujiwara, F. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Interaction
between the baroclinically unstable wave and the subtropical and
polar-frontal jets. Proc. First International Symposium on the Arctic
Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 234-237.
- Takahashi, S. and H.L. Tanaka, H.L., 2008: Dynamics
and statistics of cyclones over the Arctic Ocean compared with
extra-tropical cyclones. Proc. First International Symposium on the
Arctic Research, Nov. 4-6, 2008, Miraikan, Tokyo, Japan. 214-217.
- 田中博, 2008: 日本の異常気象と北極振動の関係. 2008年度雪氷防災研究講演会報文集、防災科学技術研究所、雪氷防災研究センター. 1-6.
- 田中博, 2009: 異常気象をもたらすと北極振動の力学. 「てんきすと」, 第56号, 2009年1月,
- 田中博, 2009: 書評.気象予報士ハンドブック、オーム社、 本だな、「天気」、56,
- 田中博, 他4名, 2009: 第1回国際北極研究シンポジウムー温暖化により激変する北極圏ー、
シンポジウム報告、「天気」、56, 377-381. 56, 240-241.
- Kondo,
K. and H. L. Tanaka 2009: Comparison of the extended Kalman filter
and the ensemble Kalman filter using the barotropic general circulation
model. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 87, 347-359.
- Matsueda, M., M. Kyouda, Z. Toth, T. Miyoshi,
H.L. Tanaka, and T. Tsuyuki, 2009: On the predictability of a
blocking occurred on 15th December 2005 Third International Conf. of
Thorpex. May 2009, Monteray California, USA.
- Kondo,
K. and H.L. Tanaka, 2009: Applying the local ensemble transform Kalman
filter to the nonhydrostatic icosahedral atmospheric model (NICAM). SOLA,
5, 121-124.
- 大橋正宏・田中博 2009: 地球温暖化予測モデルに見られる北極振動の解析的研究. 「天気」、56、743-753.
- Terasaki,
K., H. L. Tanaka, and M. Satoh, 2009: Characteristics of the kinetic
energy spectrum of NICAM. SOLA, 5, 180-183.
- 近藤豊、田中博他, 他4名, 2010: 第4回日中韓気象学会共催国際会議報告、「天気」、57, 100-101.
- Ohashi, M. and H. L.
Tanaka, 2010: Data analysis of warming pattern in the Arctic.
SOLA, 6A, 1-4.
- 田中博,(共同執筆) 他5名, 2010: 気候変動と地球環境問題、「現代人のための科学」
- 田中博・朴泰祐・佐藤正樹, 他4名, 2010: 大気大循環モデル力学コアの変遷について、「ながれ」
(Journal of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics)、29, 27-32. (雑誌の表紙)
- 田中博, 2010: 偏西風の気象学、「Pilot」
日本航空機操縦士協会、2010 No.2, 8-12.
- Mio Matsueda,
Masayuki Kyouda, Zoltan Toth, H. L. Tanaka and Tadashi Tsuyuki, 2011:
On the predictability of an atmospheric blocking occurred on 15th December 2005.
Mon. Wea. Rev., 139,2455-2470.
- Tanaka, H. L.,
and T. Aizawa, 2010: Cloud resolving numerical simulation of
Typhoon SINLAKU (2008) using a global model NICAM.
SOLA, 5, (to be sumbitted).
- 田中博, 2010: 北極振動の特異固有解理論の検証と考察
- 田中博・山崎孝治・山内恭, 2010: 地球惑星連合2010年大会「最新の大気科学」
北極圏の気候変動セッション報告. 「天気」57. 517-518、
- 田中博, 2010: 風の事典、真木太一編集、丸善出版(共著、分担、編集中)、
- 田中博, 2010: 身近な気象の事典、酒井重典編集、東京堂出版(共著、分担、編集中)、
- 田中博, 2010: 地球学調査解析法、地球学シリーズ3、上野健一、久田健一郎編集、古今書院(共著、分担、編集中)、
- 田中博, 2010: 北極振動と地球温暖化:地球温暖化が示す不都合な真実(上). 「てんきすと」, 第66号, 2010年9月,
- 田中博, 2010: 北極振動と地球温暖化:地球温暖化が示す不都合な真実(下). 「てんきすと」, 第67号, 2010年11月,
- 田中博, 2010: 今夏の異常気象:過去の気候変動を理解、冷静に原因の探求を、筑波大学新聞、筑波時評 10月4日号、
- 田中博, 2010: 第4回国際地学オリンピック大会の報告、「天気」、57.
- 下悠子・田中博, 2010: 記録的な2009/2010年の寒波と北極振動の関係について、気象庁異常気象分析検討会資料.
- Tanaka, H.L., Yuta Nagato, and Masahiro Ohashi, 2010: Arctic Oscillation or Ice-Albedo Feedback? A Discrepancy in the Warming Pattern of the IPCC Model Projection. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan. p.147.
- Tanaka, H.L., Takuro Aizawa, Manami Ohya, and Hideaki Nakajima, 2010: Numerical Simulations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds using Global Cloud-Resolving Model NICAM Installed at the CCS, University of Tsukuba. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
- Sawaka Seki, Hiroshi L. Tanaka, Fuyuki Fujiwara, and Masaki Ikeda, 2010: Modification of the Baroclinic Instability associated with Positive and Negative Arctic Oscillation Index: A Theoretical Proof of the Positive Feedback. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
- Shinji Takahashi and Hiroshi L. Tanaka, 2010: Abnormal Arctic Dipole Anomaly and Arctic Cyclones in the Summer of 2010. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
- Takuro Aizawa, Hiroshi L. Tanaka, Manami Ohya, and Hideaki Nakajima, 2010: Comparison of Polar Stratospheric Clouds in the Arctic and Antarctic simulated by the Global Cloud-Resolving Model NICAM. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
- Hiroshi L. Tanaka, and Moeno Henmi, 2010: Numerical Simulations of Ash Plume from Icelandic Volcano in April 2010 using the PUFF Model. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
- Yuko Shimo and Hiroshi L. Tanaka, 2011: Diagnostic Analysis of the Abnormal AO minus in the Winter of 2009/2010 using the AOI Equation. Abs.
Second International Symposium on the Arctic Research, Dec. 7-9, 2010,
Hitotsuhbashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan.
- Hirata, Y., Y. Shimo, H. L. Tanaka, and K. Aihara 2011: Chaotic properties of the Arctic Oscillation index.
SOLA, 7, 33-36.
- Terasaki, K., H. L. Tanaka, and N. Zagar 2011: Energy spectra of Rossby and gravity waves.
SOLA, 7, 45-48.
- Seki, S., H. L. Tanaka, and F. Fujiwara 2011: Modification of the baroclinic instability associated with positive and negative Arctic Oscillation index: A theoretical proof of the positive feedback.
SOLA, 7, 53-56.
- 田中博(分担執筆), 2011: [資料と解説] 大気大循環. 「歴史と地理」地理の研究, 643. 24-28、
- 田中博(分担執筆), 2011: [身近な気象の事典]. 新田尚監修・日本気象予報士会編, 279 pp.
- Sang-Min Lee, Hi-Ryong Byun, and Hiroshi L. Tanaka 2012: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Drought Occurrences over Japan.
J. Applied Meteor. and Clim. , 51, 1087-1098.
- Zagar, N., K. Terasaki, and H. L. Tanaka 2012:
Impact of the Vertical Resolution of Analysis Data on the Estimates of Large-Scale Inertio-Gravity Energy.
Mon Wea Rev 140, 2297-2307.
- 田中博(分担執筆), 2012: [地学基礎]. 森本他監修、実教出版社, 文科省検定済教科書、191 pp.
- 田中博(分担執筆), 2012: [地学基礎]. 森本他監修、実教出版社, 教授用指導所、215 pp.
- Tanaka, H.L., A. Yamagami, and S. Takahashi 2012:
The structure and behavior of the Arctic cyclone in summer analyzed by the JRA-25/JCDAS data.
Polar Science, 6, 55-69.
- Nagato, Y. and H. L. Tanaka 2012:
Estimation of global warming trend without the contributions from decadal variability of the Arctic Oscillation.
Polar Science, 6, 15-22.
- 田中博、他3名, 2012: 北極科学サミット(国際北極科学会議大気作業部会)への参加報告、天気、59, 927-929.
- Tanaka, H.L. and S. Seki 2013:
Development of 3D spectral linear baroclinic model and the application to the baroclinic instability
associated with positive and negative Arctic Oscillation Index.
JMSJ, 91, 193-213.
- 田中博, 2013: 北極低気圧、新用語解説、天気.
- 田中博, 2013: 北極振動と異常気象・地球温暖化の関係ー21世紀の地球温暖化予測は過大評価されている. 生命環境系 Web掲示版 .
- 田中博, 2013: 書評: 「お天気ハカセになろう—竜巻は左巻き?」 木村龍治 著 岩波ジュニア新書、天気、書評
- 田中博, 2013: 書評: 「気候で読み解く日本の歴史」 田家康 著 日本経済新聞出版社、日本農業新聞、読書
- 田中博, 2013: 「教育の質向上に向けた全学的取り組み—学生による全学的な授業評価の実施報告」 平成24年度筑波大学FD活動報告書
- Aizawa, T., H.L. Tanaka, and M. Saitoh 2013:
Rapid arctic cyclogenesis simulated by the cloud resolving global model NICAM.
Meteor. Atmos. Phys. DOI 10.1007/s00703-013-0272-6
- Kondo, K., T. Miyoshi, and H.L. Tanaka 2013:
Parameter sensitivities of the dual-localization approach in the local ensemble transform Kalman filte.
SOLA, 27, 174-178. doi:10.2151/sola.2013-039
- 田中博 2013:
北極振動と地球温暖化の関係。温暖化で寒くなる冬 by C.H. グリーン. コラム 56p.
日経サイエンス2013年2月号 特集:温暖化、揺らぐ常識
- 田中博 2013:
北極がホットになるホットな話:北極域研究最前線、要旨. 16-17 pp.
- 田中博 2014:
地球温暖化どこまで深刻か. 自然変動で上昇弱まる.
日曜に考える. 日本経済新聞 2013.11.17、内容は上を参照
- 日本気象学会地球環境問題委員会編 2014:
地球温暖化 そのメカニズムと不確実性. 朝倉書店 160 pp
- 岩崎俊樹 他 2014:
日本の気象学の現状と展望. 天気, 61, 3, 159-196.
- Yamagami, A. and H.L. Tanaka, 2014:
Analysis of Unstable Solution with an MJO Structure Using a Three-Dimensional Spectral Linear Baroclinic Model. SOLA, 10, 103-107.
- 田中博・伊賀啓太 2015:
はじめての気象学 放送教材. 放送大学 xx pp
- 若月泰孝 加藤隆之 日下博幸 田中博 2015:
山中湖における霧の消散過程の観測:野外実験授業として. 天気 (submited)
- 田中博 2015:
地学基礎 新訂版 実教出版 (文科省検定済教科書)森本他編
- 田中博 2015:
北極振動と地球温暖化の関係. 現代化学,1月号, 34-35.
- 田中博 2015:
地球温暖化のハイエイタスが自然変動によるものならば人為起源の温暖化の将来予測は過大評価となる. 伝熱 54, 226, 12-15.
- Yamagami, A. and H.L. Tanaka 2016:
Characteristics of the JRA-55 and ERA-Interim datasets by using the three-dimensional normal mode energetics. SOLA, 12, 27-31.
- Zagar, N., A. Kasahara, K. Terasaki, J. Tribbia, and H.L. Tanaka, 2015:
Normal-mode function analysis of global 3D datasets: an open-access software for atmospheric research community. Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 1169-1195, 2015, doi:10.5194/gmd-8-1169-2015.
- Hayasaka, H., H.L. Tanaka, and P. Bieniek 2016:
Sever fire under high pressure condition in Alaska. Polar Science, 10, 3, 217-226.
- Tanaka, H.L., M. Iguchi, and S. Nakada 2016:
Numerical simulations of volcanic ash plume dispersal from Kelud volcano in Indonesia on 13 February 2014. J. Disaster Res. 11, 1, 31-42.
- Zagar, N., J. Boyd, A. Kasahara, E. Kallen, H.L. Tanaka, and J. Yano 2016: Normal modes of atmospheric variability in observation, numerical weather prediction and climate models. BAMS, DOI:
- Tanaka, H.L., and M. Tamura 2016:
Relationship between the Arctic Oscillation and surface air temperature in multi-decadal time-scale. Polar Science, doi: 10.1016/j.polar.2016.03.002.
- Aizawa, T. and H.L. Tanaka 2016:
Axisymmetric structure of the long lasting summer Arctic cyclones. Polar Science, doi: 10.1016/j.polar.2016.02.002.
- 田中博, 2016: 自然変動と地球温暖化:地球温暖化に含まれる数十年規模変動. 「てんきすと」, 第100号, 2016年5月,
- 木野公朝・下悠子・田中博, 2016: AOI方程式を用いた北極振動の解析的研究. 「天気」, 第63号, 2016年6月, 477-486.,
- 田中博, 2016:
IASC 大気科学分科会報告 JCAR News Letter 4, 3-4. 2016年7月,
- 田中博, 2016:
エルニーニョと北極振動, 日本気象学会 2016 夏季大学講演要旨, 2016年7月 31日.,
- 田中博, 2016:
風穴循環のメカニズム 第3回全国風穴サミット信州上田 記念誌, 2016年8月27日.,
- Tanaka, H.L., and M. Iguchi 2016:
Numerical Simulation of Volcanic Ash Plume Dispersal from Kuchinoerabujima. J. Natural Disaster Sci., 37, 2,79-90.
- 田中博, 2017: 地球大気の科学. 共立出版, 現代地球科学入門シリーズ 3, 305 pp
- Yamagami, A., M. Matsueda, and H. L. Tanaka 2017: Extreme Arctic cyclone in August 2016.
Atmospheric Science Letters, DOI: 10.1002/asl.757
- Tanaka, H. L., and K. Ito 2018: Multi-decadal variability in planetary albedo.
Abstract, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, January 15-18, 2018, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan, S1-O04.
- Akasofu, S. I., and H. L. Tanaka 2018: On the natural component of climate change.
Abstract, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, January 15-18, 2018, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan, S1-O01.
- Sunaga, T. and H. L. Tanaka 2018: Analysis of the difference between Arctic Oscillation and North Atlantic Oscillation using Self-Organizing Maps.
Abstract, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, January 15-18, 2018, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan, S1-O07.
- Kurihana, T. and H. L. Tanaka 2018: Analysis of cloud formation process for arctic cyclone in the non-hydrostatic icosahedral grid model.
Abstract, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, January 15-18, 2018, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan, G01-O06.
- Yamagami, A., M. Matsueda, and H. L. Tanaka 2018: Medium-range forecast skill for Arctic cyclone.
Abstract, Fifth International Symposium on Arctic Research, January 15-18, 2018, Hitotsubashi Hall, Tokyo, Japan, S02-O10.
- 田中博・佐々木剛史, 2018:
北極低気圧の3 次元構造とラグランジュ運動の解析, 平成29年度東京大学大気海洋研究所 共同研究報告 51-54, 2018年6月.
- Akasofu, S. and H.L. Tanaka, 2018:
On the natural component of climate change, Tsukuba Geoenvironmental Sciences, Vol. 14, pp. 1-7, Dec., 2018.
- Tanaka, H.L. and M. Iguchi 2019:
Numerical Simulations of Volcanic Ash Plume Dispersal for Sakura-jima using Real-time Emission Rate Estimation, Journal of Disaster Research, 14, No.1, 160-172, 2019
- Iguchi, M., H. Nakamichi, H. Tanaka, H.L. and others 2019:
Integrated monitoring of volcanic ash and forecasting at Sakurajima volcano, Japan, Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.14, No. 1 pp. 160-172,doi: 10.20965/jdr.2019.p0160 2019
- Matsunobu, T. and H.L. Tanaka 2019:
Time series analysis of normal mode energetics for Rossby wave
breaking and saturation using a simple barotropic model, Atmospheric Science Letters, DOI: 10.1002/asl.940, 2019
- 田中博, 2019:
地球大百科事典 地球物理編 翻訳者, 監訳:井田喜明・木村龍治・鳥海光弘、朝倉書店, 2019年10月.
- 田中博, 2019:
「地球温暖化はどこまでが自然変動か 温暖化の将来予測は仮説であり、真実ではない, IEEI 気候変動の科学 2019年10月11日. .
- Hagiwara, M. and H. L. Tanaka, 2020:
A Theoretical Analysis of the Atmospheric Gravity Wave that Connects the Thermosphere and the Troposphere, TGS, 16, 1-14,
- Tanaka, H.L., Nakamichi, H., and Iguchi, M. 2020:
PUFF Model Prediction of Volcanic Ash Plume Dispersal for Sakurajima Using MP Radar Observation, Atmosphere, MDPI, 2020, 11(11), 1240
- Tanaka, H.L. and Žagar, N. 2020:
3D Modal Variability and Energy Transformations on the Sphere. In: Žagar N., Tribbia J. (eds) Modal View of Atmospheric Variability. Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 8. Springer, Cham.
- Tanaka, H.L. 2020a:
Generalization of Baroclinic Instability and Rossby Wave Saturation Theory. In: Žagar N., Tribbia J. (eds) Modal View of Atmospheric Variability. Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 8. Springer, Cham.
- Tanaka, H.L. 2020b:
Applications to Predictions and Climate Studies. In: Žagar N., Tribbia J. (eds) Modal View of Atmospheric Variability. Mathematics of Planet Earth, vol 8. Springer, Cham.
- 田中博, 2020:
「温暖化将来予測はくまで仮説」副題:CO2の影響範囲見極めを, 月刊エネルギーフォーラム 2020年5月号 p98-99. .
- 田中博, 2020:
「温暖化は止まっていない」への再反論 田中博(筑波大学教授), 国家基本問題研究所「ろんだん」 2020年2月10日. .
- Ishiyama, R. and Tanaka, H.L. 2021:
Analysis of Vorticity Budget for a Developing Extraordinary Arctic Cyclone in August 2016, SOLA, 2021, 17, 117-120
- Akasofu, S. and Tanaka, H.L. 2021:
On the importance of the natural components in climate change study: Temperature rise in the study of climate change, MedCrave, Physics & Astronomy International Journal, Vol. 5, Issue 2, 2021.
- 田中博, 2021:
真鍋淑郎氏のノーベル賞受賞に寄せて 今後の地球温暖化研究への懸念と提言, エネルギーフォーラム2021年11月号. .
- 田中博 2021:
気候危機の真相、杉山大志編,エネルギーフォーラム(株)Kindle Cloud Reader (, .
- 共同執筆(田中博) 2022:
『自然災害科学・防災の百科事典』丸善出版, ISBN: 978-4-621-30664-2. .
- Tanaka, H.L. et al. 2022:
Application of Particle Filter to Volcanic Ash Tracking PUFF Model for Assimilating MP Radar Observation, J. Disaster Research, 2022, Vol.17 No.5, pp. 791-804, 2022.
- 田中博, 2022:「科学は噓をつかない。でも科学者は噓をつく」:日経ビジネス電子版,2022.7.13. ,
- 田中博, 2022:
「温暖化でジェット気流が蛇行して異常気象が増える」というのは本当か, JBpress 2022.9.9 .
Rahadianto, H., Tatano, H., Iguchi, M., Tanaka, H. L., Takemi, T., and Roy, S.:
Long-Term Ash Dispersal Dataset of the Sakurajima Taisho Eruption for Ashfall Disaster Countermeasure,
Earth Syst. Sci. Data Discuss. Volume 14, issue 12 ESSD, 14, 5309–5332, 2022.
- Soon, W.W.H, and co-authors including H.L. Tanaka 2023:
The detection and attribution of Northern Hemisphere land surface warming (1850-2018) in terms of human and natural factors: Challenges of inadequate data, Climate, 11(9), 179, 2023.
- Zagar, N. and co-authors including H.L. Tanaka 2023:
Decomposition of vertical velocity and its zonal wavenumber kinetic energy spectra in the hydrostatic atmosphere. J. Atmos. Sci., 01 Nov 2023, 2727-2767.
- Toyooka, D., T. Kawabata, and H. L. Tanaka 2024:
Windward Region Sensitivity and its Effects on Heavy Rainfall Prediction Investigated with Ensemble Systems. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan (Accepted 2024).