Welcome to the TIGGE Museum |
The THORPEX Interactive Grand Global Ensemble (TIGGE) is a key component of the THORPEX project, which provides
operational medium-range global ensemble forecast data quasi-operationally (2-day delay). The
TIGGE portals provide the TIGGE data freely only for research and educational purposes. For details, visit the WMO
THORPEX website or the TIGGE website. The TIGGE Museum is operated for a promotion of utilization of the TIGGE data by Dr. Mio Matsueda (University of the Ryukyus and University of Tsukuba). Forecast products in the TIGGE Museum are updated every day with a 2- or 3-day delay, and are available for research and educational purposes only. If you want to use the TIGGE data, sample scripts (tar.gz, 48MB) (readme) would be helpful! The S2S Museum and The Copernicus (C3S) Museum are also open! |