PUFF モデル によるシベリア森林火災のシミュレーション

Real-time forest fire prediction (demonstration)
for an arbitrary fire in Siberia
using the PUFF model.

No use other than academic purpose


Forest Fire in Record at Siberia: (Satellite image is provided by Dr. Fukuda)

Forest fire at Siberia (113, 53) starting from 00Z 18 May 2003.
  Satellite PUFF Model X-Y map 3-D map

Forest fire at Far East (131, 47) starting from 00Z 18 May 2003.
  Satellite PUFF Model X-Y map 3-D map

Forest fire at Far East (132, 48) starting from 00Z 14 Oct 2004.
  Satellite PUFF Model X-Y map 3-D map

After 3.11 the particle tracking model is applied to hypothetical release of nulcear polutant from the plant.

Hypothetical Polluted Air is simulated for tepco in place of siberia.

Simulation Time: Starting UTC time indicated in figures.
Smoke Height: 2000 m (6000 feet) assumed
Duration: Continuous fire assumed
Simulated by: PUFF Model at the University of Tsukuba
PI and CI: H.L. Tanaka
Supported by: PUFF Project under INIS/IARC/NASDA
Upper Air Data: GPV/JMA Predicted wind (GSM)
Output Interval: Every six hour
Output (1): Smoke distribution (x-y) Animation
Output (2): Smoke distribution (x-z)
Output (3): Smoke distribution (y-z)
Output (4): Smoke distribution (3-d)
Output (5): 500 hPa height at 12 UTC

Plume distribution (x-y) Animation

Plume distribution (x-z)

Plume distribution (y-z)

Smoke distribution (ash)

Smoke distribution (3-d)

850 hPa height (x-y)

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