Real Eruption for Iceland Volcano in April 2010

PUFF Model Simulation of Volcanic Ash Plume
for Iceland Volcano

No use other than academic purpose

Eruption occurred at 01Z 14 April 2010


Eruption Time: Eruption assumed at 01:00 UTC
Plume Height: 110000 m (33000 feet) and variable
Duration: Continuous eruption assumed
Simulated by: PUFF Model at the University of Tsukuba
PI and CI: H.L. Tanaka and K. Yamamoto
Supported by: PUFF Project under INIS/IARC/NASDA
Upper Air Data: GPV/JMA Predicted wind (GSM)
Output Interval: Every one hour
Output (1): Plume distribution (x-y) Animation
Output (2): Plume distribution (3-d)
Output (3): Plume distribution (x-z)
Output (4): Plume distribution (y-z)
Output (5): 500 hPa height at 12 UTC
Puff test eruptions: Puff Test Eruption

Link to Satellite Pictures:

Google-Earth Map is here :
Link to Google-Earth Pictures:

Plume distribution (x-y) Animation

Plume distribution (3-d)

Plume distribution (x-z)

Plume distribution (y-z)

Plume distribution (fallout)

500 hPa height (x-y)

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