PUFF Model Prediction of Volcanic Ash Plume
for Asamayama in Japan

No use other than academic purpose

Eruption occurred at 11:02 UTC (20:02 JST), 01 September 2004


Eruption Time: Eruption assumed at 11:00 UTC
Plume Height: 8000 m (24000 feet) assumed
Duration: Continuous eruption assumed
Simulated by: PUFF Model at the University of Tsukuba
PI and CI: H.L. Tanaka and K. Yamamoto
Supported by: PUFF Project under INIS/IARC/NASDA
Upper Air Data: GPV/JMA Predicted wind (GSM)
Output Interval: Every one hour
Output (1): Plume distribution (x-y) Animation
Output (2): Plume distribution (3-d)
Output (3): Plume distribution (x-z)
Output (4): Plume distribution (y-z)
Output (5): Ash fall distribution
Output (6): 500 hPa height at 12 UTC
Puff test eruptions: Puff Test Eruption

Link to Satellite Pictures:

Plume distribution (x-y) Animation

Plume distribution (3-d)

Plume distribution (x-z)

Plume distribution (y-z)

Plume distribution (fallout)

500 hPa height (x-y)

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