logo GPV/JMA Weather Map powered by Google Earth
Data by Japan Meteorological Agency
Maps by the Center for Computational Sciences
University of Tsukuba

KML for Google Earth

[MSM Weather Map on Google Earth]

This page is to provide KML (Keyhole Markup Language) files for mapping weather maps, provided in this page, onto Google Earth.


  1. Install Google Earth in your PC. It can be downloaded from this page.
  2. Click one of the links below. Google Earth will automatically be executed if .kml is associated with the application properly.
  3. You can select arbitrary time difference by clicking on "Temporary Places" in the left pane.
  4. The degree of transparency can be changed by the slide-volume.

KML Files

Currently, the following weather maps are supported.

GSM: Global Spectral Model

RSM: Regional Spectral Model

MSM: Meso-scale Non-hydrostatic Model