Welcome to the S2S Museum

The Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction (S2S) Project is a proposed WWRP/THORPEX/ WCRP joint research project.
The main goal of the S2S project is to improve forecast skill and understanding on the subseasonal to seasonal timescale, and promote its uptake by operational centres and exploitation by the applications community. Specific attention will be paid to the risk of extreme weather, including tropical cyclones, droughts, floods, heat waves and the waxing and waning of monsoon precipitation.
The S2S data portals provide the S2S data freely with a 3-week delay only for research and education purposes. For details, visit the S2S Project Office website or the ECMWF S2S website. Forecast products in the S2S Museum are updated everyday, with a 3-week delay, and are available for research and educational purposes only.
The S2S Museum is operated for a promotion of utilization of the S2S data by Dr. Mio Matsueda (University of the Ryukyus and University of Tsukuba).
The TIGGE Museum and The Copernicus (C3S) Museum are also open!
Information about the operational extended-range Ensemble Prediction Systems (EPSs)
- Details of EPSs available at the S2S portals (Latest, March 2023)
- BoM (Australia)
- CMA (China)
- ECCC (Canada)
- ECMWF (CY48R1:27/06/2023-,CY47R3:13/10/2021-26/06/2023, CY47R2:11/05/2021-12/10/2021, CY47R1:30/06/2020-10/05/2021, CY46R1:11/06/2019-29/06/2020, CY45R1:06/06/2018-10/06/2019, CY43R3:11/07/2017-05/06/2018, CY43R1:22/11/2016-10/07/2017, CY41R2:08/03/2016-21/11/2016, CY41R1: 14/05/2015-07/03/2016, CY40R1: 21/11/2013-14/05/2015)
- HMCR (Russia)
- ISAC-CNR (Italy)
- JMA (Japan) (CPS3:19/02/2023-, GEPS2203:15/03/2022-15/02/2023, GEPS2103:30/03/2021-09/03/2022, GEPS2003:24/03/2020-24/03/2021, GEPS1701:22/03/2017-18/03/2020, GSM1403C:05/03/2014/-15/03/2017)
- KMA (Republic of Korea)
- Meteo France (France)
- Data availability for real-time forecasts at the ECMWF S2S data portal
- Data availability for on-the-fly reforecasts at the ECMWF S2S data portal
S2S products Updated every day with a 21-day delay!
- Ensemble forecasts for specific atmospheric phenomena
- Forecast verification
Related links